ID 109
Category: Products - MT4 Plugins
Release date: 2014-09-11
Developer: ITTrendex, LLC
MetaTrader 4 plugin used for the imitation of the dealer actions, automatically processing the traders` queries for opening or closing of the trading orders, and the activation of pending orders and stop-levels Stop Loss / Take Profit.
VirtualDealerEx plugin allows partial or total changing of dealer work on the processing of client trading query to the opening or closing of transactions.
The plugin settings set the modes for the processing of orders BUY, BUY LIMIT, BUY STOP, SELL, SELL LIMIT, SELL STOP during the news, in case of the gaps or the usual market situation. The virtual dealer is limited to the groups, symbols and maximum value of deal which can be processed. If there is an order from the client, the parameters of which do not correspond to the tolerable plugin settings, it will be sent to the manual dealer processing.
In this plugin it is possible to set the time of expected news, the processing method of pending orders and the behavior of Limit & Stop Level and Freeze Level parameters for the trading symbol at this time.
AllowPendingsOnNews – flag allowing the client to produce operations with the pending orders (placement, modification and deletion) during the news. If it is 1, the pending orders can be placed or modified. If it is 0, the placement or modification of pending orders is prohibited.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 1 |
Value example: | 0 |
DelaySecs – executing orders delay in seconds. If it is 0, the plugin will not process these orders at all. If the DelaySecs > 0, is more than 0, the plugin will process the orders with the delay equal to the setting value. In fact, the delay can be approximately one second shorter. For example, if the delay DelaySecs = 4, is equal to 4, the client will get the confirmation in 3-4 seconds. The maximum delay is 10 seconds. Priority: DelaySecsByLogin_ –> DelaySecsBySymbol_ –> DelaySecs.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 (plugin doesn't process requests) |
Value example: | 5 |
DelaySecs_PendingGap – pending order's execution delay in seconds in case of Gap. If it is 0, the plugin will process these pending orders orders without delay.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Value example: | 5 |
DelaySecs_PendingGapSafe – pending order's execution delay in seconds in case of Safe Gap. If it is 0, the plugin will process these pending orders orders without delay.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Value example: | 5 |
DelaySecs_PendingNoGap – pending order's execution delay in seconds in case of no Gap. If it is 0, the plugin will process these pending orders orders without delay.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Value example: | 5 |
DelaySecs_SlGapSafe – delay of execution for Stop Loss in seconds in case of safe gap. If it is 0, no delay for SL. If the DelaySecs_SlGapSafe more than 0, the plugin will process SL in case of safe gap with the delay equal to the setting value.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 (plugin doesn't delay sl) |
Value example: | 5 |
DelaySecs_SlGapSlide – delay of execution for Stop Loss in seconds in case of slippage. If it is 0, no delay for SL. If the DelaySecs_SlGapSlide more than 0, the plugin will process SL in case of slippage with the delay equal to the setting value.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 (plugin doesn't delay sl) |
Value example: | 5 |
DelaySecs_TpGapSafe – delay of execution for Take Profit in seconds in case of safe gap. If it is 0, no delay for TP. If the DelaySecs_TpGapSafe more than 0, the plugin will process TP in case of safe gap with the delay equal to the setting value.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 (plugin doesn't delay tp) |
Value example: | 5 |
DelaySecs_TpGapSlide – delay of execution for Take Profit in seconds in case of slippage. If it is 0, no delay for TP. If the DelaySecs_TpGapSlide more than 0, the plugin will process TP in case of slippage with the delay equal to the setting value.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 (plugin doesn't delay tp) |
Value example: | 5 |
DelaySecs_SlNoGap – delay of execution for Stop Loss in seconds in case of no gap. If it is 0, no delay for SL. If the DelaySecs_SlNoGap more than 0, the plugin will process sl in case of no gap with the delay equal to the setting value.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 (plugin doesn't delay sl) |
Value example: | 5 |
DelaySecs_SlGapNonSlidable – delay of execution for Stop Loss in seconds in case of slippage restricted. If it is 0, no delay for SL. If the DelaySecs_SlGapNonSlidable more than 0, the plugin will process SL in case of slippage restricted with the delay equal to the setting value.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 (plugin doesn't delay sl) |
Value example: | 5 |
DelaySecs_TpNoGap – delay of execution for Take Profit in seconds in case of no gap. If it is 0, no delay for TP. If the DelaySecs_TpNoGap more than 0, the plugin will process TP in case of no gap with the delay equal to the setting value.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 (plugin doesn't delay tp) |
Value example: | 5 |
DelaySecs_TpGapNonSlidable – delay of execution for Take Profit in seconds in case of slippage restricted. If it is 0, no delay for TP. If the DelaySecs_TpGapNonSlidable more than 0, the plugin will process TP in case of slippage restricted with the delay equal to the setting value.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 (plugin doesn't delay tp) |
Value example: | 5 |
DelaySecsByLogin_* – executing orders delay in seconds for a specific trading login. If it is 0, the plugin will not process these orders at all. If the DelaySecsByLogin_ > 0, is more than 0, the plugin will process the orders with the delay equal to the setting value. In fact, the delay can be approximately one second shorter. For example, if the delay DelaySecsByLogin_111222 = 4, is equal to 4, the client with trading account number 111222 will get the confirmation of request in 3-4 seconds. The maximum delay is 10 seconds. Priority: DelaySecsByLogin_ –> DelaySecsBySymbol_ –> DelaySecs. Format: DelaySecsByLogin_TradingAccountNumber=DELAY_IN_SECONDS
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | should be added manually |
Value example: | 5 |
DelaySecsBySymbol_* – executing orders delay in seconds for a specific trading login. If the DelaySecsBySymbol_ > 0, is more than 0, the plugin will process the orders with the delay equal to the setting value. In fact, the delay can be approximately one second shorter. For example, if the delay DelaySecsBySymbol_EURUSD = 4, is equal to 4, the client will get the confirmation of request in 3-4 seconds for EURUSD. The maximum delay is 10 seconds. Priority: DelaySecsByLogin_ –> DelaySecsBySymbol_ –> DelaySecs. Format: DelaySecsBySymbol_TradingSymbol=DELAY_IN_SECONDS
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | should be added manually |
Value example: | 5 |
ExtraLossPricePips_* – additional deterioration of execution price of request (i.e., execution at a loss to the trader) relative to current market prices (with the execution price not being thrown into the quotes flow) for a specific trading login. Format: ExtraLossPricePips_TradingAccountNumber=AdditionalOpenPoints,AdditionalClosingPoints
Data type: | string |
Default value: | should be added manually |
Value example: | 5,2 |
ExtraLossPricePips_g* – additional deterioration of execution price of request (i.e., execution at a loss to the trader) relative to current market prices (with the execution price not being thrown into the quotes flow) for a specific trading group. Format: ExtraLossPricePips_gGroupName=AdditionalOpenPoints,AdditionalClosingPoints. If set ExtraLossPricePips_g* - all trading groups will be affected.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | should be added manually |
Value example: | 5,2 |
ExtraLossPricePips_o* – additional deterioration of execution price of request (i.e., execution at a loss to the trader) relative to current market prices (with the execution price not being thrown into the quotes flow) for a specific orders. Format: ExtraLossPricePips_oTicketNumber=AdditionalOpenPoints,AdditionalClosingPoints. If set ExtraLossPricePips_o* - all trading orders will be affected.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | should be added manually |
Value example: | 5,2 |
Filter_Group – filter for trading accounts groups. The plugin will process only those groups which are set in the setting.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | * (all groups) |
Value example: | ,GROUP-A*,!GROUP-C*, |
Filter_Groups – filter for trading accounts groups. The plugin will process only those groups which are set in the setting.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | * |
Value example: | ,GROUP-A*,!GROUP-C*, |
Filter_Login – the filter of trading accounts which will be processed by plugin (if it's needed to filter several accounts then settings should be configured like this: Filter_Login, Filter_Login1, Filter_Login2, ..., Filter_LoginN).
Data type: | string |
Default value: | |
Value example: | 12345 (account's number) |
FilterSkip_Login – the filter of trading accounts which will be skipped by plugin (if it's needed to exclude several accounts then settings should be configured like this: FilterSkip_Login, FilterSkip_Login1, FilterSkip_Login2, ..., FilterSkip_LoginN).
Data type: | string |
Default value: | |
Value example: | 12345 (account's number) |
Filter_Symbols – filter for symbols of trading orders. The plugin will process the client queries only on those orders, the symbols of which are set in the setting. For example, if you need to process all the symbols starting with USD, except for USDJPY pair, the setting value will look the following way: ,!USDJPY,USD*.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | * (all symbols) |
Value example: | ,USDJPY,*USD,EUR*, |
Gap_LevelSpreads – gap value in the spreads when the plugin starts the gap operation mode. The gap operation mode is activated if the difference between the price of current tick and the price of previous tick is more or equal to the setting value. For example, if the Gap_LevelSpreads is equal to 6 and the spread is equal to 4 points, the gap operation mode is activated when the price changes to 24(=6*4) and more points. The minimum allowed value is 0, the maximum – 1000.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Value example: | 10 |
Gap_SafeLevelSpreads – gap value in spreads when the plugin starts the operation mode of pending orders and Stop Loss/Take Profit on the gaps. If during the processing of pending order or SL/TP the price slippage in the points is less than Gap_SafeLevelSpreads*SYMBOL_SPREAD, the query will be processed at the client`s price. Otherwise, the query will be processed due to the gap settings. The minimum allowed value is 0, the maximum – 1000.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Value example: | 10 |
Gap_PendingsTickCounter – quantity of confirming ticks (the change of the price does not exceed SPREAD*Gap_LevelSpreads), which are necessary to cancel the gap mode for the pending orders. The pending orders actuated in the gap mode will be activated only on the last tick of confirmation; all the intermediate ticks will be ignored. The minimum allowed value is 1, the maximum – 1000.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 5 |
Value example: | 10 |
Gap_StopsTickCounter – quantity of confirming ticks (the change of the price does not exceed SPREAD*Gap_LevelSpreads), which are necessary to cancel the gap mode for stop processing (Stop Loss, Take Profit). The stops actuated in the gap mode will be activated only on the last tick of confirmation; all the intermediate ticks will be ignored. The minimum allowed value is 1, the maximum – 1000.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 5 |
Value example: | 10 |
Gap_PendingsMode – pending order operation mode during the gap with a touch of the Stop Loss and Take Profit levels. This setting can take on the following values:
If the Gap_PendingsMode is equal to 0, in case of simultaneous touching of pending order activation price with the Take Profit price at the gap mode, the order is activated at the price of the gap with the mark in the comment ("[started/gap]") and the Take Profit is reset to zero. In case of simultaneous touching of the pending order activation price with the Stop Loss price at the gap mode, the order is activated at the price of a gap with the mark in the comment ("[started/gap]". The Stop Loss is not reset to zero.
If the Gap_PendingsMode is equal to 1, in case of simultaneous touching of the pending order activation price with the Take Profit price at the gap mode, the order is cancelled with the mark in the comment ("[cancelled/gap]"). In case of simultaneous touching of the pending order activation price with the Stop Loss price at the gap mode, the order is activated at the price of a gap with the mark in the comment ("[started/gap]". The Stop Loss is not reset to zero.
If the Gap_PendingsMode is equal to 2, in case of simultaneous touching of the pending order activation price with the stop price (Take Profit or Stop Loss) at the gap mode, the order is activated at the current market price and is immediately closed at the market price with the mark in the comment ("[closed/gap]"). In this case the client meets with losses on the spread value.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Value example: | 1 |
Gap_PendingsSlideMode – mode of pending order slippage during the gap. This setting can take on the following values separated by comma:
s-p - profitable slippage for Stop-orders
s-l - unprofitable slippage for Stop-orders
s - slippage for all Stop-orders
l-p - profitable slippage for Limit-orders
l-l - unprofitable slippage for Limit-orders
l - slippage for all Limit-orders
During the activation the current market price will be used.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | s-p,s-l |
Value example: | s,l |
Gap_StopsSlideMode – mode of stop slippage (Stop Loss/Take Profit) during the gap. This setting can take on the following values separated by comma:
sl-p - profitable slippage for StopLoss-orders
sl-l - unprofitable slippage for StopLoss-orders
sl - slippage for all StopLoss-orders
tp-p - profitable slippage for TakeProfit-orders
tp-l - unprofitable slippage for TakeProfit-orders
tp - profitable slippage for TakeProfit-orders
During the activation the current market price will be used.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | sl-p,sl-l |
Value example: | sl,tp |
MaxVolume – maximum volume of trading order, which can be processed with the plugin when there are the dealers online. If the volume of trading order exceeds the maximum volume allowed with this setting, the order is sent to the hands of online dealer who has the right to process these queries.
If the MaxVolume is equal to 0, the plugin processes the client queries on the orders regardless of the volume.
If the MaxVolume is more than 0, the plugin processed the orders with the volumes which are less or equal to the setting value. The orders with the large volumes will be processed if there are no dealers online. With this setting the dealers have an opportunity to process the client “dangerous” queries.
If the MaxVolume is less than 0, the plugin processes the client queries when there are no dealers online.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 (any volume requests are processed) |
Value example: | 5.5 |
MaxLosingSlippagePips – maximum allowed slippage of market price against the client order price during the delay. The setting is set out in points. In this case the client order is confirmed on the price against the client.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 100 |
Value example: | 10 |
MaxProfitSlippagePips – maximum allowed slippage of market price in favor of the client during the delay. If during the delay of order execution the market price has been changed to the smaller value or the value equal to MaxProfitSlippagePips in favor of the client, the client receives the positive response to his order. The setting is set out in points. This parameter should be used only with the exposure limitation on the volumes of client orders (MaxProfitSlippageVolume parameter). For example, if you need the maximum slippage in favor of the client to be 1 point on volumes, which do not exceed 0.1 board lot, the MaxProfitSlippagePips should be equal to 1 and the MaxProfitSlippageVolume – to 0.1. The maximum value is 1000 points.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Value example: | 100 |
MaxProfitSlippageVolume – maximum volume of transaction; if this volume is exceeded and there is the price slippage in favor of the client, the client will always receive the requote to his order. The minimum allowed value is 0, the maximum – 1000000 board lots.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 1.0 |
Value example: | 5 |
MinLosingSlippageVolume – minimum volume of transaction; if this volume is exceeded and there is the price slippage against the client, the client will always receive the requote to his order. The minimum allowed value is 0, the maximum – 1000000 board lots.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 1.0 |
Value example: | 5 |
NewsStopsLevelCoeff – magnification coefficient of Limit & Stop Level* for the symbol during the news. If it is 0, the Limit & Stop Level will not be increased. If it is 2, the Limit & Stop Level will be increased in 2 times. The minimum allowed value is 0, the maximum – 1000.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Value example: | 15 |
NewsFreezeLevelCoeff – magnification coefficient of Freeze Level** for the symbol during the news. If it is 0, the Freeze Level will not be increased. If it is 3, the Freeze Level will be increased in 3 times. The minimum allowed value is 0, the maximum – 1000.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Value example: | 25 |
News Time * – time of the news coming out in the following format YYYY.MM.DD hour:minute:second. For example, if the news, the effect of which is going to influence on the market during for approximately 20 minutes, is expected to come out on 1 September 2014, you need the following setting: News Time 1=2014.09.01 13:00:00,20. After the coma, you should specify the news operating time, during which the plugin will process the order according to the settings NewsStopsLevelCoeff, NewsFreezeLevelCoeff, AllowPendingsOnNews. If there is a necessity to specify the time of coming out and the duration of influence for several news for the future at once, you should add the settings under each of the news in the following way: News Time 1, News Time 2, News Time 3, ..., News Time N.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | |
Value example: | 2014.09.01 13:00:00,20 |
NoDelayRandomDownshifting – flag of disabling accidental reduction of execution delay by 1 sec (standard behavior). If 1 - accidental reduction of execution delay disabled.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Value example: | 1 |
PendingsImmediateSlTpCancelMode – the mode of cancellation of the pending order upon activation and the absence of a gap, if the opening price reaches to sl/tp. If 0 - do not cancel, 1 - cancel the stop order, 2 - cancel the limit order, 3 - cancel the stop and limit orders.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Value example: | 3 |
UseWorstDelayPriceOnPending – activation flag for the mode of using the worst price for delays processing pending orders. If 1 then mode is active.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Value example: | 1 |
UseWorstDelayPriceOnStops – activation flag for the mode of using the worst price for delays processing Sl/Tp. If 1 then mode is active.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Value example: | 1 |
VirtualDealerLogin – login of Virtual dealer manager. This login will be used for the processing of client orders with the VirtualDealerEx plugin. The manager with the login specified in the setting should be in the manager list on the MetaTrader server.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 999 |
Value example: | 123 |
* Limit & Stop Level – sets the interval in the points from the current price, inside of which it is impossible to set the new pending orders and stop-levels Stop Loss / Take Profit for already open positions. This limitation gives an opportunity to exclude an arbitrage based on pipsing or scalping on the insignificant price movements.
** Freeze Level sets the interval in the points from the activation prices of pending orders and stop-levels Stop Loss / Take Profit. If during the opening of order the current market price gets into the specified interval, this order is “frozen” and cannot be modified, closed or deleted by the client. It is a hot topic for the companies which lap over the majority of clients` transactions because this limitation forbids the client to refuse or to change his position during the processing by the broker.
- manager account from VirtualDealerLogin setting has a dealer rights
- the VirtualDealerEx plugin is in the top of plugins list in MT4 Administrator
- the manual execution mode was set for instruments in groups settings in MT4 Administrator
This is the first sl/tp operation for the order, or the counter has been reset (if sl/tp is disabled during the active gap within Gap_StopsTickCounter or due to a price error);
Since the first blocking of the sl/tp processing, it has passed less than the configured seconds;
Since the last actuation of sl/tp, more than 10 seconds have passed.
Used components:
MetaTrader 4 Server API, MetaTrader 4 Server, OS Windows
After purchase you will receive:
Compiled plugin without source codes with configuration file
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