ID 43
Category: Products - MT4 Plugins
Release date: 2012-01-01
Developer: ITTrendex, LLC
MetaTrader4 plugin for paying a credit bonus at a preset time
The ScheduledCreditBonus plugin pays credit bonuses into MetaTrader4 trading accounts (new ones and optionally old ones) within a preset period of time. Being able to preset in advance the period for paying bonuses is quite convenient.
A bonus is paid in an account one time during a promotional period. Paying a bonus may be limited to an account group, colour, and ID.
The plugin allows for specifying the category of participating accounts: only new accounts or both new and old accounts.
Filter_Group – filters accounts participating in a promotion by group
Filter_Id – filters accounts participating in a promotion by ID
FilterSkip_UserColor – list of colours assigned to accounts not participating in a promotion
DateStart – date of start of a promotion (format: hh:mm; a promotion starts at 00:00; there can be some delays due to the activation features of the MtSrvScheduler hook in MT4)
DateFinish – date of expiry of a promotion (format: hh:mm; a promotion expires at 00:00; there can be some delays due to the activation features of the MtSrvScheduler hook in MT4)
ProceedOldClients – a flag activating the payment of credit bonuses in old accounts after a promotion starts
OldClientsMaxOfflineDays – the maximum period of account inactivity for a bonus to be paid into such account, provided that the ProceedOldClients flag is activated
CreditBonusLifeDays – a period for which a credit bonus is valid (calculated in days)
CreditBonus – a credit bonus amount in USD
CreditBonusDigits – a number of digits after the decimal point in the CreditBonus value (the credit bonus calculation formula: CreditBonus * 10^(-CreditBonusDigits))
CreditBonusComment – a credit bonus payment comment
Sync_Host – a MySQL server address for synchronizing lists of accounts IDs receiving a bonus
Sync_Port – a MySQL server port for synchronizing lists of accounts IDs receiving a bonus
Sync_DB – MySQL base for synchronizing lists of accounts IDs receiving a bonus
Sync_User – a MySQL user for synchronizing lists of accounts IDs receiving a bonus
Sync_Passм – a MySQL user password for synchronizing lists of accounts IDs receiving a bonus
Sync_Table – a MySQL table for synchronizing lists of accounts IDs receiving a bonus
Sync_CycleMins – a cycle of synchronization with the MySQL database
SrvId – MT4 server ID for its identification with the MySQL base
Components used:
libMySQL, MetaTrader4 Server, OS Windows
After a purchase, you will receive:
A compiled plugin without source code with a configuration file and the DataPosterSvc service.
If you are interested in this product, feel free to order a DEMO version! Within a short time all the information about the product will be sent to your Email.
Free period 2 weeks without limits in functionality and other limits. For the demo you need to pass the registration!