ID 111
Category: Products - MT4 Plugins
Release date: 2012-01-01
Developer: ITTrendex, LLC
Plugin for charging service fee
Clients sometimes stop trading in their accounts for some reasons even if they still have some money in the account. Such "abandoned" accounts continue to be stored in trading bases and cannot be archived, while the money on these accounts is held in abeyance.
In such cases, it would be reasonable to charge the client a dormant account maintenance fee. The plugin can set the maintenance fee amount and the time at which this amount will be monthly deducted from the dormant account.
Groups of accounts to be processed, countries and colours of accounts can be specified in the plug-in settings.
The plugin also allows specifying the account recovery fee amount.
Maintenance and recovery fee currencies are defined by individual settings. The fee amount will be calculated with respect to the account currency at a rate available at the moment of withdrawal.
The fee will be charged on the account until the balance is completely zeroed, if the account remains inactive.
As soon as the account is assigned the "Dormant" status, the client receives a notice via trading platform.
Master IP – an IP address from which the plug-in can be controlled through TelNet.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | |
Value example: | |
Master Password – a password for controlling the plug-in through TelNet.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | password |
Value example: | pass123 |
Filter_Country – filters the trading account country. Only those accounts whose country corresponds to this setting will be processed.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | * (all countries) |
Value example: | ,Russia,USA,Ukraine,RU, |
Filter_Group – filters the trading account group. Only those accounts whose group corresponds to this setting will be processed.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | DAM-* (all groups starting with "DAM-" without quotation marks) |
Value example: | ,USD-*,GROUP-A*, ABOOK*, |
Filter_UserColor – filters accounts to be processed by colour (BBGGRR,BBGGRR list). If the plug-in setting the value line is not long enough, additional settings can be applied (Filter_UserColor, Filter_UserColor2, ..., Filter_UserColorN).
Data type: | string |
Default value: | |
Value example: | ,FF0000,FFFFFF,3DA4A4, |
ProcessingTime – the time at which the search for inactive accounts is executed and the maintenance fee is charged. The time is set using 24h format (HH:MM).
Data type: | string |
Default value: | 00:00 |
Value example: | 23:59 |
MaxInactivityPeriodDays – the maximum inactivity period calculated in days from the moment of the last connection to the trading platform. If 0, the plug-in does not process dormant accounts.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | 0 |
Value example: | 180 |
MaintenanceDayOfMonth – the day on which the maintenance fee will be charged. If 1, on the first day of the month. If 31, on the last day of the month.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 1 |
Value example: | 15 |
MaintenanceFee – maintenance fee amount.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0.0 |
Value example: | 5.0 |
MaintenanceFeePercent – percent from balance, which will be written-off as a maintenance fee. If MaintenanceFeePercent and MaintenanceFee are both set, then the maximum amount will be written-off according to these settings values.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0.0 |
Value example: | 15.5 |
MaintenanceFeeCurrency – a maintenance fee currency. If the preset currency is not identical to the account currency, the fee amount will be calculated at a rate available at the moment of withdrawal.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | USD |
Value example: | EUR |
MaintenanceFeeComment – a comment on maintenance fee withdrawal operation. This comment will be assigned to an operation of dormant account maintenance fee withdrawal.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | Maintenance Fee |
Value example: | Dormant account fee |
RecoveryFee – the amount of fee for recovering the account and cancelling the "Dormant" status.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0.0 |
Value example: | 5.0 |
RecoveryFeeCurrency – a recovery fee currency. If the preset currency is not identical to the account currency, the fee amount will be calculated at a rate available at the moment of withdrawal.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | USD |
Value example: | EUR |
RecoveryFeeComment – a comment on a recovery fee withdrawal operation. This comment will be assigned to an operation of dormant account recovery fee withdrawal.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | Recovery Fee |
Value example: | Recovery Dormant account fee |
RecoverOnLogin – activates the recovery mode upon logging in. If 1, the recovery fee will be charged on the account and the "Dormant" status will be cancelled upon logging in to the trading platform. If 0, the account will not be automatically recovered and the "Dormant" status will not be cancelled upon logging in.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Value example: | 1 |
Mail_Sender – the sender's login. This is the login of the manager's account with the right of sending terminal mail. If 0, a terminal mail notice of account status change will not be sent to clients.
Data type: | numeric |
Default value: | 0 |
Value example: | 111 (manager-sender' s login) |
Mail_From – the sender's email address .
Data type: | string |
Default value: | Dormant Accounts Manager |
Value example: | Dormant Accounts Notofocation |
Mail_SubjectMarking – a subject of the letter containing a notice of "Dormant" status assignment.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | Dormant Account Status |
Value example: | Dormant Account |
Mail_TemplateMarking – a file containing the email body with a notice of "Dormant" status assignment.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | |
Value example: | DAM_Marking.tpl |
Mail_SubjectRecovery – a subject of the letter containing a notice of account recovery.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | Dormant Account Status |
Value example: | Dormant Account Recovery |
Mail_TemplateRecovery – a file containing the email body with a notice of account recovery.
Data type: | string |
Default value: | |
Value example: | DAM_Recovery.tpl |
Components used:
MetaTrader 4 Server API, MetaTrader 4 Server, OS Windows
After a purchase, you will receive:
A compiled plug-in without source code with a configuration file.
If you are interested in this product, feel free to order a DEMO version! Within a short time all the information about the product will be sent to your Email.
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