Updates history BridgeMT4toMT4
ID 25 :: Category: Products - MT4 Plugins
BridgeMT4toMT4 (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2014-09-04 17:23:57
- Error in request sending to the processing on server price (pendings, stops, stop-outs) under given markup is fixed
- Detail of logged information is increased
BridgeMT4toMT4 (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2014-09-02 17:23:05
- Added support for work in conjunction Client -> Server + Client -> Server
- Fixed error handling settings in the server-side logging
BridgeMT4toMT4 (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2014-09-01 17:22:24
- Logging of errors in connection establishment in client and server side
- Filter_Symbol setting is added to filter the processed requests on symbol in client side (blanket ban is set by default)
- Quotes stuffing during confirmation of the requests differing from opening/closing is cancelled
- Correct processing of partial closing
- Code refactoring (also filter behavior is changed on server)
BridgeMT4toMT4 (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2014-08-28 17:21:26
- Work of AllowPendingOrders, AllowModifyRequests and AllowDeletePendingRequests settings is changed
BridgeMT4toMT4 (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2014-08-27 17:16:46
- Markup setting is renamed as DefaultMarkup
- Download of markup setting from NameFilePlug-in.markups.ini (lines have the following form: «EURUSD=2.0»)
- Functional of slipping on stops and pending orders is added (it is adjusted by the following settings: SlippageControl, MaxSlippageVolume and MaxSlippage)
- Transformation of incoming quotes flow in direction of the pass-through extension under the floating spread and on the following formulas in the case of fixed spread:
bid = (bid + ask) / 2.0 - (round(spread / 2) - spread_balance) * point
ask = bid + spread * point- Quotes stuffing during request confirmation
- Error in price transformation when working in reversing mode is fixed
- Adjustment of incoming prices on the requests with the rounding in direction of the pass-through extension and the adjustment of the pass-through width under the fixed spread in reference to the price of request confirmation
- Code refactoring (also filter behavior is changed on server)
BridgeMT4toMT4 (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2014-08-22 18:14:53
- Pending orders processing under ProcessPendingsAsMarketOpen setting is fixed
BridgeMT4toMT4 (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2014-08-22 17:12:40
- ProcessStopsAsMarketClose setting is added in the client side; it enables Sl/Tp processing as MK_CLOSE requests passing (also sl/tp values are not passed in this mode)
- ProcessPendingsAsMarketOpen setting is added in the client side; it enables pending orders processing as MK_OPEN requests passing during activation
- ProcessStopoutsAsMarketClose setting is added in the client side; it enables stop-outs processing as MK_CLOSE requests passing
- Timeout for waiting for a response from the server is increased to 275 seconds
- Ability to process the requests on the current server price is added to the servers
BridgeMT4toMT4 (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2014-07-31 17:11:23
- The improvement allows to avoid the drop of the client side
BridgeMT4toMT4 (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2014-07-30 17:10:12
- Possible drop of the server component in case of connection loss is fixed
- Processing of requests for pending order creation or removal, order modification
- Processing of incorrect requests is speeded up: quick processing instead of departure on timeout
- In client side: GroupFilter setting is renamed as Filter_Group and the following setting are added: Filter_TickSymbol (filtering of incoming quotes for stuffing on local symbols), AllowPendingOrders (allowance for processing the requests for pending orders creation), AllowModifyRequests (allowance for processing the requests for order modification), AllowDeletePendingRequests (allowance for processing the requests for pending orders removal)
- Price adjustment of request sent considering the current spread (on the latest quote or the symbol setting) when sending an inverted request
BridgeMT4toMT4 (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2014-07-16 17:08:36
- Logging of statistics showing server side requests sending and answers receiving (clogging of the log with the useless entries) is fixed