Updates history PeriodCreditReduceMgr
ID 40 :: Category: Products - MT4 Plugins
PeriodCreditReduceMgr (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2016-01-13 15:25:16
- Code refactoring
PeriodCreditReduceMgr (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2015-11-13 12:22:09
- If the value of Filter_UserColor settings is empty then accounts with any colors will be processed
- LicenceMonitorSenderLogin setting has been deleted as unnecessary
- Refactoring
PeriodCreditReduceMgr (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2015-08-12 17:09:33
- Reworked a check debited amount to avoid possible errors with floating-point numbers
- Refactoring
PeriodCreditReduceMgr (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2015-07-29 18:35:35
- Fixed checking trade transactions
- Refactoring