Updates history AgentCommissionEx
ID 9 :: Category: Products - MT4 Plugins
AgentCommissionEx (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2017-05-03 14:16:32
Code refactoring
AgentCommissionEx (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2017-02-22 14:51:01
- In addition to the accounts specified by the LicenseMonitorRecieverLogins setting, mail notifications will be sent to active accounts from the "manager" group whose status or comment satisfies the "LIC_MAN2, LIC_MAN2|*, *|LIC_MAN2, *|LIC_MAN2|*" or "LIC_MAN3, LIC_MAN3|*, *|LIC_MAN3, *|LIC_MAN3|*", and Push notification is also sent if MQID is specified, but in the case of LIC_MAN3 only when the LicenseKey
- Code refactoring
AgentCommissionEx (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2017-02-16 19:33:29
- An error in the calculation of HedgeCoeff and PureFreeMarginCoeff for the CFD-Index symbols with a margin calculation algorithm has been corrected
- Code refactoring
AgentCommissionEx (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2016-12-06 12:30:27
- Added BlockOnReferralBankruptcy setting that blocks an affiliate's commission, if the balance of referral less or equal to zero
- Refactoring
AgentCommissionEx (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2016-10-25 17:22:58
- The plugin is now dependent on libmysql.dll, which must be put to the root of the trading server (in case of it's absence the plugin will not be loaded!)
- Refactoring
AgentCommissionEx (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2016-07-18 13:39:16
Code refactoring
AgentCommissionEx (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2016-04-28 14:30:47
Code refactoring
AgentCommissionEx (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2016-04-27 18:49:41
Code refactoring
AgentCommissionEx (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2016-01-12 18:36:53
Refactoring code
AgentCommissionEx (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2015-10-19 14:31:58
- Added LogBlockCommission and LogSkipProcessingCommission settings activating logging of fact blocking of commission and passing of processing commission respectively