Updates history AgentCommissionEx
ID 9 :: Category: Products - MT4 Plugins
AgentCommissionEx (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2015-10-08 12:17:47
- Added UseProfitAsBaseCommission setting that allows use the order profit/loss by modulus as the base value for the calculation of the agent commission
- Refactoring
AgentCommissionEx (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2015-10-02 18:14:15
- Added Filter_CalcCoeffGroups setting and FilterSkip_CalcCoeff_Login setting that allows to filter accounts, on whose should be calculated rebate coefficients
- Refactoring
AgentCommissionEx (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2015-06-04 10:04:41
- Improved delivery of notifications about the current state of licensing system
- Removed obsolete handlers of hooks
- Refactoring
AgentCommissionEx (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2015-04-23 14:36:28
Added Enable_Filter_GroupsAgent, Enable_Filter_IdAgent and Enable_Filter_AgentLogin settings which allow you to enable/disable the plugin processing commissions, depending on the agent's account group, ID as well as a filter for inclusion on the agent's account login
AgentCommissionEx (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2015-04-15 14:35:41
- Added ability to specify the coefficients by the date of registration of the trading account by the lower end of the range (with the prefix of RegDateUserCoeff_ settings)
- Refactoring
AgentCommissionEx (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2015-02-11 12:01:28
Fixed error logging and journaling, which appeared in the previous build
AgentCommissionEx (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2015-02-06 16:22:25
- Added limit for log size up to 4GB
- Added plugin name to the mail notifications licensing system
- Bypass the restrictions on the frequency of sending MT internal letters to one recipient
- Refactoring
AgentCommissionEx (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2015-01-16 15:33:12
- UsePureFreeMarginCoeff_GroupFtr and UseHedgeCoeff_GroupFtr settings were renamed to UsePureFreeMarginCoeff_AgGrpFtr and UseHedgeCoeff_AgGrpFtr respectively
- Added settings UsePureFreeMarginCoeff_AgIdFtr and UseHedgeCoeff_AgIdFtr to set filters agent ID account for the coefficients of free margin and hedging respectively
- Fixed a bug with the minimum hedge ratio if margin_hedged >= contract_size && credit > 0 && the calculated margin of open orders > 0
- Refactoring
AgentCommissionEx (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2014-12-17 13:59:28
- Added settings MinPipsPr_Ext_SymFtr_* that sets the minimum profit by mask of symbol (first symbol is searched in MinPipsPr_Ext_Sym_*, after that in MinPipsPr_Ext_SymFtr_* and if it is not found the value will be taken from MinPipsPr setting)
- Refactoring
AgentCommissionEx (Products - MT4 Plugins) v.
2014-10-01 21:18:30
Independent work of CheckTradingOnAgentIp and LogTradingOnAgentIp settings